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Other publicly available data resources

Access levels:
πŸ”’ = requires dataset-specific permissions/access requests
βœ… = open access (may require creation of an account)

Cancer related data sources

Data Resource

Short Description

Access Requirements

Public cBioPortal

Cancer variant and gene expression visualizations.


AACR Project GENIE cBioPortal

Project GENIE-only cancer variant and gene expression visualizations (includes many rare cancers)


AACR Project GENIE (cancer) raw data tables

Project GENIE-only cancer variant and gene expression row-level data tables (includes many rare cancers)


Catalog of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC)

Common variants observed in cancer with functional annotation.


Cancer Target Discovery and Development Data Portal

Wide variety of cancer drug discovery-related datasets.


Open Pediatric Brain Tumor Atlas (OpenPBTA)

Various data types, including gene expression and somatic SNV data, for pediatric brain tumors (see: How to Obtain OpenPBTA Data and data file descriptions)


Rare disease related data sources:

Data Resource

Short Description

Access Requirements


Rare disease dataset repository managed by Orphanet.

βœ… πŸ”’

Data type specific data sources:

Data Resource

Short Description

Access Requirements

Data Type

Genomic Data Commons

Wide range of human cancer genomic data.

βœ… πŸ”’

genomic and transcriptomic sequencing

Sequence Read Archive

Very wide range of human and non-human sequencing data.
Example searches: (noonan) AND "Homo sapiens"[orgn:__txid9606] or desmoid tumor

βœ… πŸ”’

genomic and transcriptomic sequencing

Processed and harmonized microarray and RNA-seq datasets aggregated from public repositories. Friendly cohort building and download system. Example search


transcriptomic sequencing


Neurology imaging datasets.




RNA-seq data from many different β€œnormal” tissues, including skin and tibial nerve that may be useful as a point of comparison

βœ… πŸ”’

genomic and transcriptomic sequencing

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